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     Part 3 | Pronoun 

  • What is pronoun? :-
Is a mean that is used instead of noun.
Ahmad is clever boy. He is going his office.
Ahmad in this sentence:- noun
He in this sentence :- pronoun

Pronoun as subject
First personIWe
Second personyouyou
Third personHe,she,itThey


  1. They are playing cricket
  2. I read book
  3. You learn English
Pronoun as object
First personMeUs
Second personyouyou
Third personHim,her,itThem
  1. Can you help me
  2. Tommy took her to work Monday.
  3. Will you please tell   her to come in?
Pronoun as possessive
First personMineours
Second personyoursyours
Third personHis,hers,itsTheirs
  1. That is my car.not yours
  2. This pencil is not our. It’s Theirs
  3. This mobile is your.not mine
Pronoun as adjective
First personMyOur
Second personyouryour
Third personHis,her,itsTheir
  1. This is my sister.
  2. Wash your mouth.
  3. This pencil is her pencil.
Pronoun as reflexive
First personMy selfOur selves
Second personyour selfyour selves
Third personHis self
her self
Its self
Their selves
  1. He cut Down him hair his self yesterday
  2. The dog crosses the road its self
  3. He is going to drive this bike himself today to go to office.
  • Demonstrative pronoun
Indicative pronoun is a pronoun used to point to a specific object in a sentence. This pronoun can indicate things of space or time, and it can be either singular or plural.
This, That, these, Those sentences are called demonstrative pronoun when used as pronoun.
  1. This is a mango
  2. That is a my car
  3. These are your shop
  4. Those are my friends
  • Indefinite pronoun:-
We use indefinite pronouns to refer to things Or people without saying exactly who or what they are. We use pronouns ending in -one or -body for people, and pronouns ending in -thing for things.
  1. Every body
  2. Any
  3. All
  4. Any one
  5. Every one
  6. Each
  7. No buddy
  8. No one
  9. Nothing
  10. Every thing
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