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Part 2| type of noun and example

  • What’s Noun:- 
 To view the first part of Noun you go to the category of our website and click on ‘learning English’.you click on online english speaing course | part 1 | where the page opens. There you will see online english speaing course | part 1 | of noun
Type of noun and example
  • Type of noun:-

There are 8 types of noun

  1. proper noun
  2. commen noun
  3. compound noun
  4. collective noun
  5. concrete noun 
  6. abstract noun
  7. countable noun 
  8. uncountable noun


  • #1 Proper noun

Is the name that denotes to perticuler person or thing.


  1. rashid
  2. jack
  3. tommy
  4. sandip
  5. sonu
  6. virat
  7. yusuf
  8. farhan
  9. The orange
  10. The mango


  • #2 common noun

Is the name that demotes to genral person or thing.


  1. My file 
  2. Your table 
  3. My mother
  4. The fan
  5. Your father
  6. The chair
  7. The mobile
  8. The Computer
  9. The door
  10. The windows
  • #3 Compound noun

Is the wordto that made up with two or more word.

  1. Police station
  2. Railway station
  3. Post man
  4. Bus station
  5. Police man
  6. High way
  7. Road way
  8. Business man
  9. Bus driver
  10. post office
  • #4 Collective noun
Is the word that respnts to a group of person or things.
  1. Army
  2. Group
  3. Croud
  4. Team
  5. heard
  6. Flock
  7. Gang
  8. Staff
  9. Panel
  10. Fall
  • #5 Concrete noun
Is the word that can be identified through one of five senses.
(Test, sight, hearing, touch, smell)
  1. Table
  2. Head 
  3. Cat
  4. Cow
  5. Bag
  6. Elephant
  7. Lion
  8. Chair
  9. Fridge
  10. Fan
  • #6 Abstract noun
Is the word that can be inidentified through one of five senses.
(Test, sight, hearing, touch, smell)
  1. Anger
  2. Happy
  3. Life
  4. Death
  5. Humor
  6. Trust
  7. Love
  8. Fear
  9. Sad
  10. Democracy
  • #7 Countable noun

Thing that can be counted.

  1. Pencil
  2. Pen
  3. Mango
  4. Banana
  5. Water melon
  6. Watch 
  7. Table
  8. Book
  9. Bed
  10. Chair

  • #8 Uncountable noun
Thing that can not be counted.
  1. Mil
  2. Hair
  3. Water
  4. Oil
  5. Sugar
  6. Sold
  7. Butter
  8. Syrup
  9. Stars
  10. Food
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