To create a basic Node.js application that prints “Hello, World!” to the vs code, follow these steps:

Step 1: Installation of Node.js and VS Code

you must check node js installed or not in your machine if not installed node js then You can download the latest version from our previous blog (Node js installation). Additionally, install VS Code, a popular code editor, from the official website (

Step 2: Create a New Project

create a new folder for your project and open in VS Code. In VS Code, go to File > Open Folder and select the folder you just created.

hello world in node js

Step 3: Set Up the Project

Open the integrated terminal in VS Code by going to View > Terminal (ctrl + ~) . In the terminal, navigate to the project folder using the cd command. For example, if your project folder is named “hello-world”, run cd hello-world.

Step 4: Initialize the Project

Create a new Node.js project in the terminal and run the following command :

npm init -y

This command creates a package.json file, which stores metadata about your project and its dependencies.

Also Read this :- Node js installation

Step 5: Create a JavaScript File

In VS Code, right-click on the project folder in the Explorer panel and select “New File.” Name the file index.js. This will be our main JavaScript file.

Step 6: Write the “Hello, World!” Code

Open index.js and add the following code:

console.log("Hello, World!");

This code uses the console.log() function to print the “Hello, World!” message to the console.

Step 7: Run the Code

In the integrated terminal, make sure you are still in the project folder. Then, run the following command to execute the JavaScript file:

node index.js

You should see the “Hello, World!” message printed in the terminal.

Step 8: Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully printed “Hello, World!” in Node.js using VS Code. This simple example demonstrates the basic setup and execution of a Node.js application.

In this tutorial, you learned how to set up a Node.js project, create a JavaScript file, write code to print a message, and execute the code using the Node.js runtime. Node.js provides a robust platform for building server-side applications, and with VS Code as your editor, you have a powerful development environment.