online English speaking course for your
part 4 | singular to plural converter
- when to make plural from singular
When an thing is more than one, it has to be plural to represent it.
- Adding “s” to converts singular o plural
most noun are found plural by adding “s”
example | |
Ball | Balls |
Cat | Cats |
Mobile | Mobiles |
Dog | Dogs |
- Adding “es” to converts singular o plural
noun are ending in s, sh, ch, x or z formed by adding “es”
example | |
Watch | Watches |
Class | Classes |
Glass | Glasses |
Brush | Brushes |
- If the last latter of the noun is “y”, make it plural
noun are ending in “y” followed by a consonant is format into plural by changing y into “ies”.
example | |
Lady | Ladies |
Baby | Babies |
Memory | Memories |
Story | Stories |
some time noun are ending in “y” followed by a vowel is format into plural by adding “s”
example | |
Boy | Boys |
Enjoy | Enjoys |
Journey | Journeys |
Monkey | Monkeys |
- If the last latter of the noun is “f” or “fe”, make it singular to plural
Noun are ending in “f” or “fe” format into plural by changing ” f ” or ” fe ” into ” ves “.Â
example | |
Calf | Calves |
Leaf | Leaves |
Knife | Knives |
Life | Lives |
- If the last latter of the noun is ” o “, make it singular to plural
most noun ending in ” o ” followed by a consonant is formed in to plural by adding ” es “.
example | |
Hero | Heroes |
Buffalo | Buffaloes |
Potato | Potatoes |
Tomato | Tomatoes |
some time most noun ending in ” o ” followed by a vowel is formed in to plural by adding ” s “.
example | |
Studio | Studios |
Zoo | Zoos |
Embryo | Embryos |
Video | Videos |
- Irregular plurals
some noun are formed plural by changing latters in proper word
example | |
Man | Men |
Foot | Feet |
Tooth | Teeth |
Mouse | Mice |
there are some alphabets that remain the same in plural.
example | |
Tongs | Tongs |
Bellows | Bellows |
Trousers | Trousers |
Dregs | Dregs |
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